‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Has Begun Production; Here are my Predictions

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So, unless you live under a rock, you’ll have noticed that Chris Hemsworth put up a video that signaled production on the third Thor movie was underway.  Thor: Ragnarok doesn’t come until November 2017, but with production started, I will give my predictions for the film.

Expect a good villain out of Hela

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Despite the fact  that Tom Hiddleston graces the screen as Loki, the Thor movies aren’t exactly renowned for their choice of villains- first Laufey, and then Malekith, with both being equally questionable and forgettable character entries to the MCU (and they aren’t the only ones).  Hela, who will be played by Cate Blanchett, has a much bigger presence in the comics than either Laufey or Malekith, and should stir up some trouble for the God of Thunder.  Plus, Loki has shown that he plays nicely with other villains, to an extent.  So the interaction between the two should be interesting, given how Thor: The Dark World left the character.  Expect great things from Cate Blanchett, who up until this point in the MCU, has been my favorite casting of a villain, and I have high expectations of her.

Hulk will be smashing

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I’ve talked about how Marvel needs to make a ‘Planet Hulk’ movie.  Because of their pettiness in dealing with Universal, any solo Hulk movie seems unlikely.  But given the nature of what we’ve heard about Thor: Ragnarok, it’s perfectly likely that we could see some ‘Planet Hulk’ in the beginning.  After all, he was missing while all of his friends tried to kill each other in Captain America: Civil War.  Mark Ruffalo has also stated that he would like to explore the relationship between Banner and the Hulk, so that may work its way into the film.  Either way, Thor: Ragnarok is likely the closest we’ll ever get to a Hulk solo movie in the MCU.

Heimdall’s role will be expanded from previous films

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When Marvel started casting, they probably didn’t know Idris Elba would become the big name he is today.  Despite this, I’m sure that they are glad to have him.  Following his appearance in  Age of Ultron, Heimdall is sure to be featured more in this film.  I’m expecting him to jump into the action more in this film too, and not just at the gate, but really getting into it at Thor’s side, or even against him.  Either way, it’ll be interesting to see where Marvel takes Elba’s character.

Thanos and a set-up to Infinity War

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After the events of Age of Ultron, we know Thor goes home to Asgard to try and make sense of why the Infinity Stones keep popping up, which is the reason he wasn’t hanging around on Earth to pick a side on the Sokovia Accords.  Somehow, he will find Thanos, and probably also Star-Lord and the other Guardians of the Galaxy.  I expect the post credits scenes to all MCU releases to be teasers for Thanos leading up to Infinity War, where I image Thor will swoop into earth just in time to alert Tony to round up the Avengers because trouble is on it’s way.

Jeff Goldblum will do Jeff Goldblum things

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Seriously, this man doesn’t even need to act.  In all honesty, I can’t wait to hear him say all of those weird Thor words.  He will be playing Grandmaster, who is a powerful being who likes to manipulate humans.  He should spice things up, especially for the Thor movies, which sometimes can be dragged down by unnecessary plot expositions…

Speaking of which…

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It appears that Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings will not be reprising their roles as Dr. Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis in Thor: Ragnarok.  That the maker.  These two spent all of their time dragging down the Asgardians.  I have always said that DC Comics have better civilian characters than Marvel, which is just my opinion and I am happy to discuss it, but these two certainly helped justify it.  Here is an example of an exchange between the two:

Jane: Blah, blah, blah, science stuff, stars, sky, blah, science stuff, blah, blah, yadda, yadda yadda.

Darcy:  Oh Jane, you know I don’t know any of that science stuff!  I’m your unpaid intern derr.

These two actually contributed nothing  towards these movies and I’m glad they are gone.  Marvel has had a tough time figuring out how civilian characters can work into their plot; I’m talking about characters like Pepper Potts, or others who don’t have any hand in the main action of the film.

So, that does it for my major predictions for Thor: Ragnarok.  As we get closer to the release,  I’ll of course have more.

What are your predictions for Thor: Ragnarok? Let me know in the comments!



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